vanessa mayberry

I collaborate closely with brands to grasp their unique voice and objectives, crafting strategic content that aligns  with current trends. Amidst the rising demand for new and authentic marketing materials, I offer my talent by conceptualizing, producing, and refining posts, streamlining the process for my clients. By maintaining an active social presence, businesses can effectively cultivate engagement and drive sales.

Vanessa Mayberry

Creative Director


Vanessa is a dynamic content creator based out of Vancouver, Canada. With a passion for creativity and storytelling, she has carved out a unique niche in the world of User-Generated Content (UGC), captivating audiences with her captivating videos, and photos.

Driven by a desire to connect with others and share her experiences, Vanessa has built a loyal following across various social media platforms. Her engaging personality and authentic approach to content creation has garnered her a dedicated community of supporters who eagerly anticipate each new update.

From documenting her daily life as a studio manager,  behind-the-scenes of photo/video productions, and her frequent professional adventures, Vanessa has become an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs.

  • Product Shots
  • Testimonial Videos
  • Unboxing Videos
  • Product In-Action Shots
  • Portrait Shots
  • Lifestyle Shots
